Monday, August 11, 2008

Earthquake Story

Shake * Rattle*and Roll !!!! Yes, Lori and I were in Los Angeles for the Earthquake ..."Picture this" we were in Starbucks drinking our morning coffee. Lori's is a Nonfat, NoWhip Mocha... Mine is a Caramel Macchiato extra hot!... Okay, I digress... back to the story - I excused myself to go to the "ladies room". When I walked out, I paused, looked at Lori and said, "ARE WE MOVING"? because the floor beneath my feet was rolling. Lori, who was on the phone with our friend Cassie... says, "I THINK WE ARE HAVING AN EARTHQUAKE".We look at each other with this puzzled look... At that moment... the phone goes dead. People are just standing and looking around. Lights are swaying back and forth...
We hear... GET OUT OF THE STORE! We grab our belongings and run... yes, we run out ... -we were safe!

It was Exciting. Exhausting. Eventful!

Our new song for the occasion... "I FEEL THE EARTH MOVE UNDER MY FEET"!
(we prayed really hard that we would be long gone from California before another one shook the ground!)

Had to share because that was very memorable for us.

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